von reyeseasterby6 | Juli 4, 2023 | Vehicles, Cars
put on a glamourous display for the Lulu Guinness Valentine’s Dinner at Home House in London.The Tuesday outing was her first since her Muff Liquor advert was banned by the ASA for ‚targeting minors and encouraging irresponsible drinking’Despite the... von christinlea | Juli 4, 2023 | Home & Family, Home Improvement
I ordered a brand new £999 Apple iPhone 14 Plus from Amazon but when the package arrived it contained two candles and no sign of the mobile. I was bemused at first, but now I’m fuming as Amazon is refusing to refund me for the device.A.B., Sussex. Another ball... von christinlea | Juli 3, 2023 | Home & Family, Landscaping
BRASILIA, Feb 1 (Reuters) – A decommissioned 32,000-ton 1960’s aircraft carrier has been floating off Brazil’s shore for three months since Turkey refused it entry to be scrapped there because the rusting ship is an environmental hazard. The... von reyeseasterby6 | Juli 3, 2023 | Business, Customer Service
Adidas lowered its earnings forecast for EvdEn eVe NAKliYaT the year by $250million to account for losses from over his anti-Semitic remarks – but will still sell his sneakers without Yeezy branding.Adidas owns the design rights for evDeN eVE NAkliYAt both... von christinlea | Juli 2, 2023 | Home & Family, Hobbies
The husband of mom Ana Walshe appeared in court via Zoom today for a brief status hearing ahead of his murder trial. Brian Walshe is to death, dismembering her body and disposing of it in a dumpster in January. Police have not been able to recover her remains –...
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